Many individuals like the winter season. The most acceptable winter activities include sledding, snowboarding, skiing, and producing snowmen. However, it is not always fun and games.
Without question, it is critical to plan for the harsh winter weather and high temperatures we may face, but where do you begin?
Snow Storm Supplies
Accumulating these necessities year-round is crucial, not only for winter storms but also for other natural disasters.
Always be safe; a list of snow storm necessities to keep in mind are:
- Medicine: First aid kits are available online and at most drug shops, but it is generally less costly to construct your own—stock up on non-perishable goods to feed the family without having to cook. When you don’t have the energy to cook regular meals, dinner from a can to a bowl may be incredibly gratifying. Make sure the household pets have plenty of extra food as well.
- Driving On Dangerous Roads: Nobody wants to drive in a snowstorm, but understanding how to prepare for a winter storm will keep you safer on the road. Examine your vehicle’s antifreeze, wipers, and tires. Fill the gas tank and store snow chains and rock salt in the trunk. Drive slower than the official speed limit and keep an eye out; visibility is reduced during heavy winter storms.
- Keeping Warm: Bring in enough wood to last several days in the fireplace. Keep your open fire safe by placing additional wood in a storage space away from it. When using a fireplace to heat your home, ensure your home’s fire extinguishers are ready. Understand where each one is kept, check gauges for total charges, and practice safe fire extinguisher usage.
- Damage Control: When considering how to prepare for an ice storm, consider the last time you insulated all of the pipes in your home. Please do not presume they are still in good condition. Ascertain that your plumbing is protected from freezing temperatures, and safeguard your property from frozen burst pipes.
Keep in mind that Insulated pipes, however, can freeze, burst, and flood the home. Reduce the impact of this winter storm tragedy by understanding how to switch off your home’s main water valve. It’s a talent that can be useful all year.
Get Snow Removal Supplies

There are different kinds of Snow Removal Supplies, such as:
- Rock salt: Sodium chloride, sometimes known as rock salt, is the most affordable and widely used deicer. While this is okay for asphalt, it causes concrete to degrade. The salts not only degrade the concrete but also soak into it, corroding the rebar and other reinforcements.
- Ice scraper: An ice scraper assists in removing ice from frosted windows and automobile windshields. You’ll need a long ice scraper to reach the high and difficult-to-reach angles.
- Ice melt: Ice melt is not an excellent tool but is helpful as a removal tool and preventative measure. It is put around driveways and sidewalks to minimize walking or driving accidents caused by snow and ice accumulation. Chemical snow treatments are popular, but they are ineffectual unless the snow is removed first because they will melt through the snow and work on the underlying ice, leaving a layer of snow on top of melted ice.
- Snow blower: A blower is the ideal piece of snow removal equipment that any professional should have. A snow blower aims to clear snow from the region in the direction you maneuver it while traveling. More significant storms may necessitate many trips outdoors to shovel throughout the storm. A snow blower makes this job much more manageable but can harm asphalt and concrete if not used properly.
- Snow Shovel: Snow shovels are hand equipment that removes moderate to light snow from residential homes. Hand shoveling can sometimes be the quickest and most effective approach. It is easiest when less than 3 inches of newly fallen, uncompacted snow is available. Hand shoveling may be an uphill task.
At G. McNeill & Son, we specialize in the snow removal & management division and offer 24-hour service to ensure that your employees, customers, residents, and supplies arrive safely. Throughout all winter events, parking lots, access roads, walkways, and entrances receive prompt and consistent maintenance. We pay close attention to detail, exceeding our client’s expectations.